I am a Doctoral Academy Fellow at the University of Arkansas pursuing twin PhDs in the Philosophy and Public Policy programs, as well as an affiliate member of the following research groups:
The Conceptual Foundations of Conflict Project (U. of Southern California)
The Machine Intelligence and Normative Theory (MINT) Lab (Australian Nat. U.)
The Policy Research Collaboratory (U. of Arkansas)
My current research focuses on social and political epistemology, public policy, and the intersection of ethics with the philosophy of language. Most recently, this includes projects on phenomena like algorithmic bias, context collapse, and “fake news,” with an eye for highlighting practical applications of philosophical conclusions. I also work on quantitative applications of the Narrative Policy Framework to questions of power and cultural capital. More broadly, I am interested in how epistemic structures like perspectives and worldviews affect our socio-epistemic processes and how to construct effective public policies in light of their associated norms. In the past, I have also published in the fields of animal ethics and the philosophy of religion.
Recent Presentations
“Cruel Optimism and AI Governance: Democratization as a Magic Concept”
September 2023: MANCEPT Workshop, “Governing Artificial Intelligence” (University of Manchester)
““You’re Lucky I’m Here”: Examining the Roles of Influence in Organizational Decision-Making and Perceived Value Congruence on Trust in Information Regarding COVID-19” (w/ Creed Tumlison)
April 2023: The 80th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference
“Agentic and Algorithmic Context Collapse”
October 2023: The 7th Intl. Conf. on the History & Philosophy of Computing (Warsaw University of Technology)
March 2023: The Philosophy, AI and Society Doctoral Colloquium (Oxford University)
“Consider the Lobster: Speciesism, Algorithmic Bias, and the Ethics of Care”
February 2023: The 2023 APA Central Division Meeting, Symposium Session
November 2022: Australasian Association of Philosophy Postgraduate Conference
May 2022: The Machine Wisdom Workshop 2 | U. of Pittsburgh